Sunday, January 16, 2005

i lost communicating ability

bersosialisasi... selalu sulit for me. gw ga flexible... kaku....
the word 違う feels so strong for me... soalnya terjemahannya = "salah". padahal kalo org indo nyatain bahwa lawan bicaranya salah ngerti... dengan bilang: "bukan". that's why... i think... i still can't get used to it. another one is 分かった。 krn kalo org indo cukup bilang iya untuk menyatakan affirmative. kalo sampe bilang "mengerti"... berarti ada sesuatu yang berat.. ato sesuatu yang annoying.... still can't get used to it either...... 困ったんだようね

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jesS --> what the heck r u talking about???huahuauahuahua.......rajin2 yahhhhh ^^