Friday, December 17, 2004

i'll help you....

Somebody i know here.... she is a very diligent person, put herself in the highest priority, always want to be right, and dare to correct a Japanese teacher about the teacher's japanese. To be able to understand (memaklumi) what builds this kind of personality, i pick some points that i know so far. It looks like she came from a rapidly developing country, this makes the young generation struggle to get a better future. Competition is very strong. That's why she is very diligent. To be able to optimize studying time, study-time cannot be interrupted. And thus occurs this rare thing.... that she helps people (even close friend) only when she wants to help, which is outside of her study time. And she helps (a little pushy) even when the person she is helping is not in need. This is the compensation to fix her relation with society.
What drives a person to help others? I help others because i have the ability, even though i don't have the time. And that often puts me in trouble.

1 comment:

timothyandreas28 said...

> somebody i know said: "what's the worst word in the world? it's not sad, hopeless, anger, etc_etc.... But it's 'helplessness', coz from there, you got no where to go."