Wednesday, December 08, 2004

This one is not good for your health

haven't taken the time to think about it, but somebody i know said: "what's the worst word in the world? it's not sad, hopeless, anger, etc_etc.... But it's 'helplessness', coz from there, you got no where to go."

"Living as i do with human beings, the more that i observe them, the more I am forced to conclude that they are selfish." --Natsume Soseki / I am a Cat --

Most people, try to take people's heart with his/her ability to make a warm conversation. I who has never been good at creating a warm conversations, take people's heart by offering help as far as I can. This kind of ability i've been saying is a natural talent, and should be seperated from the conotation of doing things for a particular purpose.

Two things that i feel and has occupied my mind recently:
  1. i am running out of words, which means i am growing a gap in my relationship. For me, it's not really a problem as a have accepted my limitation,. Problem is, i still wanna help you guys, as far as i can. Bad conversation doesn't mean that i stop helping.
  2. In the other hand, i feel that people in the other side, knowing what kind of person i am, don't really help me raise some topics of conversation.
"The prime fact is that all humans are puffed by their extreme self-satisfaction with their own brute power" --Natsume Soseki / I am a Cat --

日記を書くとき、たくさん感じについて話すし、毎日そんな単語があまり使わないし、日本語で書くのはまだ出来ないだ。 日本語の問題がたくさんあるんだけど、誰かに質問するか知らない。日本人に質問すると、必ず手伝ってくれたんだけど、


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